maplibrarian: mmm, lots of stuff in between the cases
maplibrarian: taking the drawers out
maplibrarian: two map cases and a base
maplibrarian: moving the drawers
maplibrarian: this takes some serious organization
maplibrarian: taking the cases apart
maplibrarian: drawers
maplibrarian: the first few are gone
maplibrarian: taking out the center bar
maplibrarian: the old army green color of the cases
maplibrarian: thru the underpass
maplibrarian: up the ramp
maplibrarian: the moving truck
maplibrarian: supervising
maplibrarian: hilary found these under the cases
maplibrarian: found items
maplibrarian: this is the new mantra
maplibrarian: thursday before the move
maplibrarian: the first day in the underpass
maplibrarian: the first cases are in!
maplibrarian: this is how it gets done
maplibrarian: old space
maplibrarian: shelving!
maplibrarian: figuring out how to get the center post out
maplibrarian: maps found behind/between cases