Marc Liu/馬克/: score list
Marc Liu/馬克/: 5/20, Taipei's nightfall
Marc Liu/馬克/: at a restaurant
Marc Liu/馬克/: 台北故事館
Marc Liu/馬克/: Luce Memorial Chapel
Marc Liu/馬克/: Delonix regia
Marc Liu/馬克/: Delonix regia
Marc Liu/馬克/: Delonix regia
Marc Liu/馬克/: Delonix regia
Marc Liu/馬克/: Kuso LEGO
Marc Liu/馬克/: papa's birthday
Marc Liu/馬克/: in the restaurant
Marc Liu/馬克/: Tung-Hai campus
Marc Liu/馬克/: Tung-Hai campus
Marc Liu/馬克/: 夏日-續篇
Marc Liu/馬克/: outside restaurant
Marc Liu/馬克/: Luce Memorial Chapel
Marc Liu/馬克/: in front of the hotel
Marc Liu/馬克/: 城裡亮著一座叫故事的城堡。
Marc Liu/馬克/: 蘇打綠 ╳ 遊樂。