marcusmelton: The Kids. @childrenofspace @thefoxfireexperiment #foxfireexperiment
marcusmelton: Beautiful night at Amarillo Botanical Gardens. The perfect Christmas tradition. #abg #amarillobotanicalgardens
marcusmelton: Find of the day. "The Babysitter." $5.
marcusmelton: Close encounters. Yurt at Jellystone Park.
marcusmelton: Cool kids.
marcusmelton: Perfect evening ride to PPHM tipi. #pphm #wtamu #bmxlife #kuwaharausa
marcusmelton: Night at the Museum with Cowboy Michael. #pphm #canyon #canyontexas #canyontx #texas
marcusmelton: Future tbt photo. Good times at the track. #prouddad #tornadoalleybmx #bmx #kuwaharausa #kuwahara @kuwaharausa
marcusmelton: Discovering cool stuff on our bike ride. #canyontx #canyon #texas #pphm #kuwaharausa #wtamu
marcusmelton: Great day of racing. Glad Craig from Canyon Physical Therapy made it for USABMX Olympic Day and raced. #bmx #usabmx #tornadoalleybmx #canyonphysicaltherapy #kuwaharausa #kuwahara @kuwaharausa #amarillo #texas
marcusmelton: We're in good hands. #swim #canyon #canyontx
marcusmelton: A good night of racing at the Gold Cup Qualifier. 1st and 3rd for Melton Racing. Thanks for all the encouragement! A shout out to Dr. Doug Albrecht and everyone at Canyon Physical Therapy for putting me back together. #bmx #usabmx #kuwahara #kuwaharausa
marcusmelton: Summertime.
marcusmelton: Hard to beat our ride this evening. Texas thunderstorm in the background.
marcusmelton: Born to ride. Live to ride with these two. #bmx #kuwaharausa @kuwaharausa
marcusmelton: Miss Independence. #doesntneeddad #bmx #kuwahara #kuwaharausa #prouddad
marcusmelton: I'm sketching. My inspiration is swimming.
marcusmelton: Great way to start the week. Guys night at the Goldenlight. #goldenlightcantina
marcusmelton: Sunset ride with these silly kids. #prouddad #kuwaharausa #kuwahara #bmx @kuwaharausa
marcusmelton: Happy Chinese New Year!