marcus_jb1973: Me, Baddie and new saddle
marcus_jb1973: Expensive leather (and titanium) fetish
marcus_jb1973: Treated baddie to a new saddle - Brooks Swift with titanium rails
marcus_jb1973: Just over Tower Bridge
marcus_jb1973: Critical Mass going over Tower Bridge - but we did not go to Parliament Square this time - odd route today - but all fun (apart from my crash when a fixie rider forgot he was on a fixie and fell off onto me!)
marcus_jb1973: Cass at Mass
marcus_jb1973: One less car - one more sodding fixie
marcus_jb1973: Obligatory shot of everyone getting ready to leave
marcus_jb1973: Awesome homemade rear mudguard
marcus_jb1973: Unicorn man
marcus_jb1973: Funny folding bike
marcus_jb1973: "All roadies are gay"
marcus_jb1973: Lunch break with the ducks
marcus_jb1973: Bad Boy by the pier - 4.5 hours in the saddle and I was by the sea!
marcus_jb1973: Bad Boy at the top of Ditchling Beacon
marcus_jb1973: At the top of the big hill
marcus_jb1973: Made it to the top of Ditchling Beacon
marcus_jb1973: First short break of the day for a pain au chocolat
marcus_jb1973: Eurostar passing the champagne bar
marcus_jb1973: A little tune at the traffic lights
marcus_jb1973: Acoustic guitar and bike
marcus_jb1973: Dude with his guitar
marcus_jb1973: It was a really big ride this month - pretty good weather attracted more people out I think
marcus_jb1973: Cass ready to enjoy CM for the first time
marcus_jb1973: Lots of people out tonight
marcus_jb1973: Spotty Brompton
marcus_jb1973: Think bike!
marcus_jb1973: Poor little Dahon's wheels are not much bigger than the farthing wheel on the penny farthing
marcus_jb1973: Dalek along for the ride
marcus_jb1973: Pass slowly, be nice.......