marctonysmith: I am not afraid to die for freedom; I am afraid to die without getting it for my daughter.
marctonysmith: They ask me why people aren't speaking. I say their silence speaks more than 1 million words.
marctonysmith: In the name of Allah the Most Merciful, we dedicate this revolution to you... to strike down those who have perverted your word.
marctonysmith: My brother's friend asked why I have stopped crying. I said I have run out of tears. He said, "You can borrow mine."
marctonysmith: If you are parent, you know how hard it is to be away from an injured child.
marctonysmith: I see more women than men at the rally... which is a good thing. I really feel it now... freedom.
marctonysmith: They can't stop the dawn if they try. You can't stop destiny.
marctonysmith: I really hate public speaking. It would be a bad thing if I was to be shot the first time.
marctonysmith: I do not stand for me. I stand for the students of Tehran that can not speak.
marctonysmith: Brothers and sisters were killed before our eyes today - the innocent blood of the martyrs of Allah.
marctonysmith: I know Ahmadi will die. This is not a good thing to wish on a man. I feel bad for thinking it.
marctonysmith: Someone screams "Daddy! Daddy!" behind me. I turn around and my daughter is on my brother's back. I hold her a long time. We all cry.
marctonysmith: The university's doors were closed. We couldn't run anywhere! And then they start shooting tear gas at us.
marctonysmith: These students, these people, my friends stood and said, "We will not go. This is not right. Down with the dictator." They got shot for this.
marctonysmith: I think some people will call this the Revolution of Tears... I say do not cry, laugh!
marctonysmith: The voices of many are silenced by the voices of a few people. This is so wrong. My life is mine, not Khamenei's
marctonysmith: I will meet Khameini, but I will need a pardon... and a gun
marctonysmith: I was shot, my daughter beaten, my brother beaten. Many have died or have gone missing... just because they say, "I want to be free!"
marctonysmith: I think all my family is alive... A great miracle!
marctonysmith: My body is weak...little food, little sleep; but my mind is strong. Our wave of freedom, of hope cannot be stopped now... not now.
marctonysmith: Neda. Neda. Neda. Her name haunts me like I'm the one who killed her. But she inspires me too. She is laying on the ground, her eyes following me.... You can't escape a dead woman's eyes.
marctonysmith: There is no fear here now. I feel it in the air. We all are ready to become martyrs. Why live if you are not free?
marctonysmith: I never say goodnight, I always say goodbye - you never know what will happen. So, goodbye.
marctonysmith: In many years people will forget about this time, about me and Mir and Neda. They will be free to forget. Free to do anything.