Marctographer: LIving the good life
Marctographer: Great day on the water
Marctographer: SUmmer Fun
Marctographer: The kids on Jose's boat
Marctographer: Desolation Sound Sillouette
Marctographer: Hanging out
Marctographer: Summer Days
Marctographer: SUnsert Sillouette in the Desolatoion sound
Marctographer: Sillouette sunset
Marctographer: The kids on Jose's boat
Marctographer: Driving back to savary
Marctographer: Trins driving the boat
Marctographer: Sunet on Desolation Sound
Marctographer: Coming home at the end of an amazing day
Marctographer: Front row
Marctographer: Tin, Tosh , kai and Soda
Marctographer: Char and Yuko
Marctographer: Char Jose and Yuko
Marctographer: Jose and Yuko
Marctographer: feet up
Marctographer: Amazing day
Marctographer: Epic Clouds
Marctographer: Rainbows in the clouds
Marctographer: Desolation sound
Marctographer: Desolation sound