Marctographer: Rutherford Creek Dec 30th 2012
Marctographer: B&W Rutherford mtn shot
Marctographer: Glacier
Marctographer: Glacier
Marctographer: Fresh tracks at Rutherford Creek
Marctographer: epic glacier crevaces
Marctographer: Rutherford Creek ice
Marctographer: Epic day
Marctographer: Ya guys!!!
Marctographer: Frozen water fall
Marctographer: Beautiful day up on the pemby ice caps
Marctographer: Pemby Ice caps
Marctographer: Late day sky
Marctographer: Ryan making a flight
Marctographer: Flying down the ice caps
Marctographer: Beautiful evening for a ski flight
Marctographer: Ryan getting serious air
Marctographer: Flying High
Marctographer: coming in hot
Marctographer: About to land
Marctographer: Ryan coming in for a landing
Marctographer: Almost there
Marctographer: Perfect landing
Marctographer: Now thats adrenaline
Marctographer: Give thanks
Marctographer: Soo happy
Marctographer: That was AWESOME
Marctographer: Ryan showing his happiness
Marctographer: Give thanks for today
Marctographer: end of the day