Marctographer: Peak Chair opening day
Marctographer: Mtn Currie as seen thru the Roundhouse window
Marctographer: Finnlandia
Marctographer: Devin Reflecting thru goggles
Marctographer: Time for some peak to Creek
Marctographer: Anxious folks waiting for Peak chair to begin
Marctographer: Foggy Gondy
Marctographer: Random Skiier
Marctographer: Inukshuk
Marctographer: Peak Chair
Marctographer: Take a quick Singles line
Marctographer: To harmony
Marctographer: Ski Patrol
Marctographer: Peak Tower
Marctographer: Peak Chair
Marctographer: First Turns
Marctographer: peak chair
Marctographer: Cake hole entrance to Millioon dollar Ridge
Marctographer: Finnlandia Tree
Marctographer: Taking a nice long Turn
Marctographer: fresh Pow
Marctographer: heading up Excalibur
Marctographer: Excalibur Gondola window shot
Marctographer: Tosh in the Park
Marctographer: Ryan in the Park
Marctographer: Tosh carving a slash
Marctographer: Devin Slashing up the Snow