marc thiele: Tech check with Ellen
marc thiele: Seats
marc thiele: Arriving
marc thiele: Arriving
marc thiele: Jeremy
marc thiele: Arriving
marc thiele: Arriving
marc thiele: Waiting outside for the kickoff
marc thiele: Waiting outside for the kickoff
marc thiele: Waiting outside for the kickoff
marc thiele: Waiting outside for the kickoff
marc thiele: Last word outside before the start
marc thiele: Waiting for the start
marc thiele: Jeremy kicking off
marc thiele: Attendees
marc thiele: Attendees
marc thiele: Laura Elizabeth
marc thiele: Laura Elizabeth
marc thiele: Rachel in front row
marc thiele: Jeremy in front row
marc thiele: Laura Elizabeth
marc thiele: Laura Elizabeth
marc thiele: Ellen de Vries
marc thiele: Attendees
marc thiele: Pastry
marc thiele: The bar upstairs
marc thiele: The theatre
marc thiele: The theatre
marc thiele: Attendees upstairs
marc thiele: The bar