marc thiele: In the exhibition
marc thiele: Keir pretending to work
marc thiele: Cat at the Shopify booth
marc thiele: Val Head
marc thiele: Behind the stage
marc thiele: Cat and Keir
marc thiele: Mariona and John
marc thiele: Rushing the Smashing book shop
marc thiele: MC Chris
marc thiele: Ceiling
marc thiele: The Cat
marc thiele: Smashing
marc thiele: Jessica Svendsen
marc thiele: Jessica Svendsen
marc thiele: Keir pretending to work
marc thiele: IMG_0753
marc thiele: Audience
marc thiele: Audience
marc thiele: Listeing to Stephen
marc thiele: Stephen Hay
marc thiele: Stephen and Chris
marc thiele: Session time from behind
marc thiele: Q&A with Chris
marc thiele: Sarah
marc thiele: Audience
marc thiele: Audience from above
marc thiele: Sarah from above
marc thiele: Sarah from above
marc thiele: Vitaly and Sarah