marc thiele: Jake
marc thiele: Jake
marc thiele: Keir setting up the Shopify stand
marc thiele: Arriving attendees
marc thiele: Arriving attendees
marc thiele: John saying HELLO
marc thiele: John saying HELLO
marc thiele: Jake … on socks
marc thiele: Jake
marc thiele: Karsten showing his early game sketches
marc thiele: Karsten
marc thiele: Attendees
marc thiele: Attendees
marc thiele: Brendan Dawes
marc thiele: Attendees
marc thiele: Attendees
marc thiele: Attendees
marc thiele: taking a break
marc thiele: Oliver in conversation
marc thiele: Eva-Lotta
marc thiele: Attendees
marc thiele: Eva-Lotta quoting Jason
marc thiele: Eva-Lotta, John and his daughter
marc thiele: Eva-Lotta
marc thiele: Mr. Bingo
marc thiele: Karstenand Filip
marc thiele: John setting up Mr. Bingo