marcofrey: art by marco
marcofrey: marco with jigsaw!
marcofrey: marco coveting the jigsaw!
marcofrey: wayne big.peaches marco making pegboard frames
marcofrey: marco wayne big.peaches assembling frames
marcofrey: kathy and david
marcofrey: marco and the ass
marcofrey: sarah sarah and the ass
marcofrey: laurie, jane and kathy of the mom squad
marcofrey: kathy in bathroom
marcofrey: kathy in bathroom
marcofrey: hanging artwork
marcofrey: busy bees
marcofrey: setting up
marcofrey: kathy
marcofrey: nicole and curt - our favorite bar tenders
marcofrey: the bar
marcofrey: the pre-party
marcofrey: the pre-party
marcofrey: big.peaches and carolyn
marcofrey: the pre-party
marcofrey: some of the food - all vegan
marcofrey: sarahsarah and marcomarco
marcofrey: smoker's club
marcofrey: crowd gathering at the push push before the cd release party
marcofrey: doug lothes performing gone with the wind in 20 minutes
marcofrey: claire
marcofrey: wayne
marcofrey: claire and big.peaches
marcofrey: wayne