marcn: Women's Rights are more important than States Rights
marcn: We are ruthless now... Act accordingly!!!
marcn: You can't ban abortions you can only ban safe abortions
marcn: I am the boss of my body
marcn: Forced birth is violence
marcn: USA or Taliban? Rule by religious fundamentalists
marcn: My body my decision
marcn: Bans off our bodies
marcn: Loving mom *and* murderer???
marcn: No court can tell me what to do with my body!!
marcn: If women are forced to give birth, men must pay for their healthcare, child care, their time as mothers, their rent, their heat, their child's food and shelter!
marcn: Not going back!
marcn: Ruth sent me
marcn: Protect abortion in NH
marcn: If I wanted politic$ in my vagina I'd fuck a senator
marcn: Our Bodies, Our Choices, Our Rights
marcn: Safe and accessible abortion is health care