marcn: Benjamin Shattuck died Sept 18, 1813 aged 5yrs
marcn: Complex deathhead
marcn: Hannah Russell who died Feb y 14 1801 aged 3 year, 2 months & 9 days
marcn: Memento mori.
marcn: Benjamin March died Feb. 26 1835, AE 19 mo
marcn: Remember death.
marcn: Bunker Hill June 14, 1775 Never Returned
marcn: Child's headstone
marcn: The Beloved Child
marcn: Book headstone
marcn: Autumn Cemetery
marcn: Another complex deathhead
marcn: "Tis well with thee, For thou art now, From sin forever free."
marcn: Gone to rest
marcn: Sheltered and safe from sorrow
marcn: Memento Mori.
marcn: Deathhead with good hair
marcn: Memento mori
marcn: Life's journey ended; How sweet the rest of the loyal