marcn: #TaxMarch in Portsmouth, NH @ 1:00pm
marcn: Real Estate Developers...
marcn: Release your tax retuns
marcn: Vote!
marcn: Transparency
marcn: Are you PUTIN us on Mr. Trump?
marcn: Show me the Money (1040EZ)
marcn: Ignorant President in Charge
marcn: Turn over his Russian conspirators, I mean his tax returns
marcn: Cultivate Resistance
marcn: No Tax $$ for golf
marcn: Tricky Trump
marcn: Signs, signs, everywhere a sign
marcn: Release now
marcn: You're not Putin anything over on U$
marcn: That is a good list
marcn: Obama showed his Birth Certificate
marcn: Fair Taxes Now!
marcn: Peace
marcn: We Persist NH
marcn: LMB
marcn: Lock him up
marcn: Fund EPA
marcn: I'm not usually a sign guy, but geez!
marcn: Prove you're not in Putin's Pocket
marcn: What's he hiding?
marcn: Alternative Facts? Show us your tax!
marcn: Slash $
marcn: We Still Care!
marcn: Your lifestyle is taxing me