Scott Marckx:
Planing back blank flat
Scott Marckx:
Resawing back blank
Scott Marckx:
Prepping pieces for tops
Scott Marckx:
Planing top joint with shooting plane
Scott Marckx:
Gluing top joint
Scott Marckx:
Gluing top joint (2)
Scott Marckx:
Wood for Steve's violin with extra tops just joined
Scott Marckx:
Maple for Steve's violin
Scott Marckx:
Planing rib stock with toothed blade
Scott Marckx:
Scraping rib stock to thickness
Scott Marckx:
Planing scroll blank square
Scott Marckx:
Marking scroll outline
Scott Marckx:
Cutting scroll outline (taken by Ben Leslie) 1
Scott Marckx:
Cutting scroll outline (taken by Ben Leslie) 2
Scott Marckx:
Cutting scroll outline (taken by Ben Leslie) 3
Scott Marckx:
Cutting scroll outline (taken by Ben Leslie) 4
Scott Marckx:
Cutting scroll outline (taken by Ben Leslie) 5
Scott Marckx:
Marking shape of pegbox sides and volute
Scott Marckx:
Rough cutting volute
Scott Marckx:
Partially carved volute
Scott Marckx:
Mostly carved volute
Scott Marckx:
Carving fluting
Scott Marckx:
Cutting Steve's Alder for blocks
Scott Marckx:
Splitting Alder for blocks
Scott Marckx:
Blocks split to rough size
Scott Marckx:
Blocks planed square and marked
Scott Marckx:
Carving blocks for c-bouts
Scott Marckx:
Splitting Steve's Alder for linings
Scott Marckx:
Planing alder for linings
Scott Marckx:
Re-sawing Alder for linings