Marcia Milner-Brage: Parking lot, Viking Pump & Cedar Falls Utilities smokestack
Marcia Milner-Brage: Cedar Falls Utilities with highway & bike path
Marcia Milner-Brage: Cedar Falls Utilities from across the Cedar River
Marcia Milner-Brage: Cedar Falls Utilities + coal cars
Marcia Milner-Brage: Church steeple + Cedar Falls Utilities smokestack
Marcia Milner-Brage: Stop sign, house across the street + Cedar Falls Utilities smokestack
Marcia Milner-Brage: Cedar Falls Utilities smokestack+wires
Marcia Milner-Brage: Cedar Falls Utilities smokestack+ Willow
Marcia Milner-Brage: Cedar Falls Utilities Smokestack from 15th &Clay
Marcia Milner-Brage: Power plant + train cars–Washington Park
Marcia Milner-Brage: Tri-colored Trailer
Marcia Milner-Brage: Explosion at Cedar Falls Utilities Substation
Marcia Milner-Brage: Wertjes Uniforms
Marcia Milner-Brage: Cedar Falls Utilities
Marcia Milner-Brage: From the Dike, Washington Park & Cedar Falls Utilities
Marcia Milner-Brage: From the Dike, Autumn