L@Scimmia: Cabo Fisterra
L@Scimmia: Lighthouse
L@Scimmia: Lighthouse
L@Scimmia: Lighthouse
L@Scimmia: Shoes at the end of the camino
L@Scimmia: Shoes at the end of the camino
L@Scimmia: Memories at the end of the camino
L@Scimmia: Shoes at the end of the camino
L@Scimmia: Shoes at the end of the camino
L@Scimmia: me in the fog
L@Scimmia: Sailing in the fog
L@Scimmia: Shoes at the end of the camino
L@Scimmia: Shoes at the end of the camino
L@Scimmia: my lighter in memory
L@Scimmia: Shoes at the end of the camino
L@Scimmia: Memories at the end of the camino
L@Scimmia: Plate
L@Scimmia: 18000 megasuoni
L@Scimmia: Memories at the end of the camino
L@Scimmia: 0 km Camino de Santiago