marc.barrot: Late Afternoon Light on Stanley Bay …
marc.barrot: In the Middle of Mid Levels ...
marc.barrot: Murray Building – Central …
marc.barrot: As seen from The Peak …
marc.barrot: Selfie in Central …
marc.barrot: Waiting for the Sun to Set …
marc.barrot: Sunset In East Coast Park
marc.barrot: In Kennedy Town
marc.barrot: With the Photo Samouraï on Queen's Road …
marc.barrot: Watching the Sunset Together …
marc.barrot: Classic Peak Night View
marc.barrot: Ferry to Central
marc.barrot: Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter
marc.barrot: Misty Morning Across Victoria Bay
marc.barrot: Makes Your Head Spin …
marc.barrot: Back to Port at Dusk
marc.barrot: Leaving Kowloon
marc.barrot: One Last Sunset over Victoria Bay
marc.barrot: One Last Night in Central
marc.barrot: One Last Look at Stanley’s Waterfront
marc.barrot: Another Change of Scenery …
marc.barrot: A View to Tsim Sha Tsui …
marc.barrot: In the Heart of Central …
marc.barrot: Sailing Hong Kong Style …
marc.barrot: Muggy Day over West Kowloon …
marc.barrot: Caught in a Mid-Level Web …
marc.barrot: Backstage in Central …
marc.barrot: Lightshow on the Central Waterfront
marc.barrot: Dinner in Tai Kwun …
marc.barrot: Afternoon in Little Tai Hang