marc.barrot: A somewhat ridiculous pink terracotta pile …
marc.barrot: Evening in Leicester Square
marc.barrot: St. Pancras Baths – Victorian Kentish Town …
marc.barrot: St. Pancras International – Victorian gothic demo
marc.barrot: Past School Time
marc.barrot: Mount Vernon …
marc.barrot: Kentish Town Bath House
marc.barrot: RAF Uxbridge – HQ 2nd TAF – 1944 …
marc.barrot: Hillingdon House – Uxbridge …
marc.barrot: New End Primary School: former Victorian hospital.
marc.barrot: Heath Street – Detail
marc.barrot: Heath Street – Detail II
marc.barrot: The Wells and Campden Baths and Wash Houses 1888
marc.barrot: Victorian glass ceiling
marc.barrot: Gothicus Maximus: Holly Village
marc.barrot: Gothic hallucination …
marc.barrot: One last gothic trip
marc.barrot: Gothic revived again: Law Courts in Aldwych
marc.barrot: Royal Courts of Justice – detail
marc.barrot: Victorian gothic: Union Chapel – Highbury Corner
marc.barrot: Gothic booster shot
marc.barrot: Palmers Lodge glows in the dark
marc.barrot: Old Hampstead Town Hall: late Victorian with a touch of Edwardian Baroque.
marc.barrot: Addicted to Victorian Gothic …
marc.barrot: Bathurst Mansions – 1891 late Victorian extravaganza …
marc.barrot: Holloway Road – Victorian commercial block between St. John’s Villas and Fairbridge Road
marc.barrot: Speeding past a boarded Trocadero
marc.barrot: Thorncliffe under renovation
marc.barrot: Hampstead: Old and New
marc.barrot: McGill in Hampstead ? …