marc.barrot: When in Rome …
marc.barrot: Roman afternoon …
marc.barrot: Home on the Aventine
marc.barrot: Teatro di Marcello di notte
marc.barrot: Mercati di Traiano
marc.barrot: Ostia Antica
marc.barrot: Former Ostian high-rise
marc.barrot: Lo skyline più romantico del mondo
marc.barrot: Rain on the Forum
marc.barrot: Caracalla would like a word …
marc.barrot: One of Caracalla’s distinguished contemporaries …
marc.barrot: Roman holiday
marc.barrot: Teatro di Marcello di giorno
marc.barrot: Home on the Aventine – Take 2
marc.barrot: Night stroll in Trajan’s Forum
marc.barrot: The Forum – almost one Century apart
marc.barrot: Timeless …
marc.barrot: Castor and Pollux were here …
marc.barrot: Ostia’s busiest street – once …
marc.barrot: Last Forum shot
marc.barrot: Looking back
marc.barrot: A little Forum reminder
marc.barrot: Panorama along the Via Sacra
marc.barrot: Tempio di Ercole
marc.barrot: Another Roman Tourist
marc.barrot: Santa Francesca Romana
marc.barrot: 200,000 spectatores …
marc.barrot: 200,000 spectatores - take II
marc.barrot: Farewell to the Palatine