marc.barrot: Edwardian Baroque tour de force …
marc.barrot: The Angel Inn – Highgate
marc.barrot: One last gothic trip
marc.barrot: The weather is not improving…
marc.barrot: South Grove Highgate – snowed in :-) …
marc.barrot: Gothic booster shot
marc.barrot: Highgate Hill & Holly Lodge
marc.barrot: Majestic red brick palace of education
marc.barrot: Addicted to Victorian Gothic …
marc.barrot: Winter Reflection in Waterlow Park
marc.barrot: Highgate School Chapel
marc.barrot: Highgate – A view to Holloway
marc.barrot: Saint Michael’s at dusk
marc.barrot: Highgate Ponds
marc.barrot: Autumn’s last bow in Waterlow Park
marc.barrot: Fall in Cherry Tree Wood
marc.barrot: Highgate Ponds in the late afternoon glow …
marc.barrot: Edwardian Highgate Library …
marc.barrot: Somehow, Greg Moore House on top of Dartmouth Park Hill has a Hamptons Summer vibe …
marc.barrot: Parliament Hill Fields
marc.barrot: Autumnal Composition
marc.barrot: First Greens of Spring …
marc.barrot: Autumn Colours Display …
marc.barrot: Dartmouth Park