Marc-Andre Kelly B.: A Nest or just Branches?
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Mr. Woodpecker was busy alright!
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Walking Trail
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Reflections
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: November Woods
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: A Sugar Shack
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: A Cabin in the Woods
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: A Wooden Wall
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Reflected Forest
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Into the Woods
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Cabin in the Woods
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: November Woods
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: No Shooting?!?
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: A Homely Shack
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Part of a Tree (Was)
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Green turning Brown
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Invading Cold
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Sunlit Leaves
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: A Spark of Colour
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: A Small Cabin
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: November's Snow
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Dried Autumn Leaves
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Forest Path