Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Olympus E-410
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Wild Turkey Family
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Wild Turkey Family
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Wild Turkey Family
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Wild Turkey Family
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Wild Turkey Family
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Bridge to the Other Side
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: oh great bringer of light!
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Brother Fishing the Stream
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Charles-De-Gaulle Bridge
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Evening Sky
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Following my Brother
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Following the Path
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Stream Into the Light
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Leaning Branch
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: the Other Side
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Railroad into the Woods
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Forced Sun Flaring
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Sunlit Trees
Marc-Andre Kelly B.: Strong Backlit Sunset