by hand at home: first hike #365grateful
by hand at home: pinecone + glue + glitter #365grateful
by hand at home: raindrops on branches on our walk from school #365grateful
by hand at home: woo hoo! don't have to buy bins after all! thank you @mayamade ! #reinvention
by hand at home: a rare tree fox sighting #365grateful
by hand at home: feather #365grateful
by hand at home: sunshine bike ride #365grateful
by hand at home: vacuum helper #365grateful
by hand at home: warm biscuits azalia made with friends this morning #365grateful
by hand at home: 20140207_102727.jpg
by hand at home: azalia and i sledding! earlier today... feb 7
by hand at home: lazily updating a #ravelry project #365grateful
by hand at home: close-up #ravelry #stitches
by hand at home: defrosted and frosting-ed cupcakes for colden's bounce house party (snowed out last weekend!)... dark chocolate with chocolate chips, chocolate buttercream, and chocolate sprinkles! #365grateful
by hand at home: morning chocolate muffins #365grateful
by hand at home: on the road back to portland #365grateful one of many rainbows (and rain clouds) that have graced us on the road home...
by hand at home: wishes #365grateful
by hand at home: our family by azalia... papa and mama and colden and azie and the new baby* (*coming june 2014)
by hand at home: my favorite of colden's latest drawings..."night ship" love the pink his love of drawing #365grateful
by hand at home: one of marc's favorites of colden's latest....a camper with many floors...the lower floors depict tables with rolls of paper
by hand at home: bringing bluebells (wood hyacinth) to school...first honeysuckle and lilac on the way home #365grateful
by hand at home: first tooth #365grateful
by hand at home: holding baby #365grateful
by hand at home: new pixie haircut #365grateful
by hand at home: they added a board to the playground! #365grateful
by hand at home: empowered in pajamas #365grateful
by hand at home: ice pop weather #365grateful
by hand at home: happy may day! #365grateful
by hand at home: fern boy and fern baby #365grateful
by hand at home: colden made a bed for his "baby" (aka azalia) #365grateful