Marc_Smith: 7th Avenue and uptown
Marc_Smith: Looking down 7th Avenue
Marc_Smith: Clay Shirky speaks at PDF2010
Marc_Smith: Beth Kanter, Howard Rheingold and Allison Fine at PDF 2010
Marc_Smith: Beth Kanter and Allison Fine at PDF 2010
Marc_Smith: Marc Smith and Craig Newmark at PDF2010 dinner
Marc_Smith: John Perry Barlow and Howard Rheingold in NYC at PDF2010 Dinner
Marc_Smith: Craig Newmark and Ken Goldberg at PDF2010 Dinner
Marc_Smith: City hall from the Flatiron district
Marc_Smith: One of Antony Gormley's naked men
Marc_Smith: Flatiron Building
Marc_Smith: Flatiron Building
Marc_Smith: New York (5th Avenue)
Marc_Smith: New York
Marc_Smith: One of Antony Gormley's naked men on the Empire State Building
Marc_Smith: Craig Newmark at PDF2010
Marc_Smith: Craig Newmark at PDF2010
Marc_Smith: Howard Rheingold at PDF 2010
Marc_Smith: Howard Rheingold and Jim Fishkin at PDF 2010
Marc_Smith: Howard Rheingold, Jim Fishkin, David Weinberger, and Jane Mansbridge at PDF 2010
Marc_Smith: PDF2010 at CUNY
Marc_Smith: New York
Marc_Smith: Empire State Building at Dusk
Marc_Smith: Empire State Building
Marc_Smith: New York City
Marc_Smith: NYC - Gimbels
Marc_Smith: NYC
Marc_Smith: NYC
Marc_Smith: NYC - Empire State Building
Marc_Smith: NYC