Marc_Smith: Ben Shneiderman presents at Social Computing 2009
Marc_Smith: Ben Shneiderman at Social Computing 2009
Marc_Smith: Ben Shneiderman presents at Social Computing 2009
Marc_Smith: Cody Dunne presents NodeXL at Social Computing 2009 - Vancouver
Marc_Smith: Social Computing 2009 - Vancouver
Marc_Smith: Alvin Chin and Ben Gross at Social Computing 2009 - Vancouver
Marc_Smith: Nosh Contractor presents at Social Computing 2009 - Vancouver
Marc_Smith: Nosh Contractor presents at Social Computing 2009 - Vancouver
Marc_Smith: David Chaum presents at Social Computing 2009 - Vancouver
Marc_Smith: Helicopter in Stanley Park - Social Computing 2009 - Vancouver, B.C.
Marc_Smith: Nosh Contractor and Ben Shneiderman at Social Computing 2009 - Vancouver, B.C.
Marc_Smith: Non-Members Only: seen at Social Computing 2009 - Vancouver, B.C.
Marc_Smith: Nosh Contractor and Ben Shneiderman at Social Computing 2009 - Vancouver, B.C.