Marc_Smith: 2007 ALA OCLC Panel - Howard danah Marc
Marc_Smith: Marc at the OCLC event at ALA 2007 in Seattle
Marc_Smith: danah boyd at the OCLC event at ALA 2007 in Seattle
Marc_Smith: Howard at the OCLC event at ALA 2007 in Seattle
Marc_Smith: Howard and danah at the OCLC event at ALA 2007 in Seattle
Marc_Smith: Eric Gleave and danah boyd at the OCLC event at ALA 2007 in Seattle
Marc_Smith: Marc at the OCLC event at ALA 2007 in Seattle
Marc_Smith: danah at the OCLC event at ALA 2007 in Seattle
Marc_Smith: Howard at the OCLC event at ALA in Seattle
Marc_Smith: danah at the OCLC event at ALA 2007 in Seattle
Marc_Smith: danah and Howard at the OCLC event at ALA 2007 in Seattle
Marc_Smith: danah and Howard at the OCLC event at ALA 2007 in Seattle
Marc_Smith: Marc and danah at the OCLC event at ALA in Seattle
Marc_Smith: Howard addresses the audience at the OCLC event at ALA in Seattle