Marc_Smith: P1060395_2
Marc_Smith: Vulcano Island, Italy
Marc_Smith: Salina, Italy
Marc_Smith: 2011 Disneyland: Eli waits to drive!
Marc_Smith: Mathieu Bastian above San Francisco Bay in Belmont
Marc_Smith: The Smith-Mortons dine in Monterey Bay
Marc_Smith: Eli and Wally
Marc_Smith: Diane and Eli on the Belmont Water Dog Lake Trail
Marc_Smith: Madeline has a blue tongue
Marc_Smith: Eli and Joanne in Central Park
Marc_Smith: Diane and Eli dance at Allyson and Todd's Wedding
Marc_Smith: Eli at Santa Cruz Boardwalk
Marc_Smith: Eli rings in the new year - Happy 2008!
Marc_Smith: Eli!
Marc_Smith: Kids on the swings
Marc_Smith: Nalini, David, an Eli at Maggie Mudd's ice cream shop
Marc_Smith: Eli at USF
Marc_Smith: Eli rides the Sammamish River path