Marc Backes Photography:
Please smile !!!
Marc Backes Photography:
The mechanic
Marc Backes Photography:
Skating in the half pipe
Marc Backes Photography:
Colour walk
Marc Backes Photography:
Visiting a mine 1
Marc Backes Photography:
One shoe
Marc Backes Photography:
Macro shooting
Marc Backes Photography:
Lonely walker
Marc Backes Photography:
Begging for charity
Marc Backes Photography:
The mecanic
Marc Backes Photography:
Prayer to the "Star of the Sea"
Marc Backes Photography:
Lansdscape photography
Marc Backes Photography:
Marc Backes Photography:
Underground walk
Marc Backes Photography:
Red and blue
Marc Backes Photography:
Marc Backes Photography:
Old man walking
Marc Backes Photography:
Crossing the street
Marc Backes Photography:
What a joy !
Marc Backes Photography:
Hey, what are you looking ?
Marc Backes Photography:
It'not wrong, it's just a little different