VogelsPhotography: Hover Fly on Thistle
VogelsPhotography: Hover Fly Close - Up
VogelsPhotography: Eye to Eye
VogelsPhotography: GreenBottle2
VogelsPhotography: GreenBottle
VogelsPhotography: Greenbottle
VogelsPhotography: Greenbottle face
VogelsPhotography: On The Edge
VogelsPhotography: Black Beetle
VogelsPhotography: On top of the world
VogelsPhotography: Its all gone Yellow
VogelsPhotography: Small Life
VogelsPhotography: Hang in there bokeh
VogelsPhotography: Red Admiral
VogelsPhotography: Macro Spider
VogelsPhotography: Mr Woodlouse
VogelsPhotography: Mr Woodlouse on the move
VogelsPhotography: 123 ladybird
VogelsPhotography: Zebra Spider
VogelsPhotography: My hoverfly
VogelsPhotography: Hoverfly on a dandelion
VogelsPhotography: Peacock Butterfly
VogelsPhotography: Thistle walking ladybird
VogelsPhotography: Greenbottle Fly