Mateusz Droba: book Faces in the Clouds A New Theory of Religionby Stewart Elliott Guthrie
Mateusz Droba: Faces in the Clouds - A New Theory of Religion - Stewart Elliott Guthrie
Mateusz Droba: faces in a cloud (personality) I
Mateusz Droba: how Higher Beings enter our realm [from Abbott's Flatland]
Mateusz Droba: lo! Behold our own blindness to 4-Dimension
Mateusz Droba: from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind movie 2004
Mateusz Droba: Neon Genesis EVANGELION manga page gathering of Souls
Mateusz Droba: 2-D pity for 1-D imbecile being ; compare to 4D for us [from Abbott's Flatland]
Mateusz Droba: INSIDE view ; 2-D troubles in 1-D - compare to our in viewing in 4-D. [from Abbott's Flatland]
Mateusz Droba: terrible & Beauty side of Reality
Mateusz Droba: PSX_20250116_185903
Mateusz Droba: inside way of perceiving higher Dimensions & why demons and devils can disturb us from within & disguised as Our thoughts and drives (Angels giving inspiration though)
Mateusz Droba: knowing--pointing --- showing
Mateusz Droba: no choice
Mateusz Droba: with a mole along where tears flow are doomed to a life of tears (Neon Genesis EVANGELION)
Mateusz Droba: Neon Genesis EVANGELION Manga 1996 Intro Sephirot sky
Mateusz Droba: Japan's letter makes an Eye (Neon Genesis EVANGELION manga intro)
Mateusz Droba: hero Theseus bosom detail - victorious over the Minotaur - Pompeii fresco detail
Mateusz Droba: what can Destroy itself is truly Alive
Mateusz Droba: Ted Hughes, “Crow Blacker than Ever” (from “Crow: the Life and Songs of the Crow”)
Mateusz Droba: seeing Ideas Images (seer vision) [[ (SITS Project) & Unus Mundus . Pareidolia meaning]]
Mateusz Droba: Meaning II [psychic collapse voluntary death - Men's extremity is God's opportunity]
Mateusz Droba: meaning
Mateusz Droba: essence of the Anima as Soul
Mateusz Droba: Soul Life and INERTIA 20241222_111112
Mateusz Droba: original Experience of Images ; Religions and Psychology
Mateusz Droba: Need for a Story language and experience exposition in matters [SITS Project]
Mateusz Droba: 13.12. 2024
Mateusz Droba: Cloud as a symbol of God's presence