luv to travel: View from our room
luv to travel: View from room
luv to travel: Tunnel where Princess Diana died
luv to travel: Luxembourg Garden
luv to travel: Feeding the birds
luv to travel: Luxembourg Gardens
luv to travel: Luxembourg Gardens
luv to travel: Louve - Playing in the water
luv to travel: Tanya at Louve
luv to travel: Tanya in the Louve Pyramid
luv to travel: Kicking back watching the Park goers
luv to travel: Hanging out in Paris
luv to travel: Sunbathing on the Seine
luv to travel: Tanya having a ice cream
luv to travel: On the streets of Paris
luv to travel: Cheese!!!!
luv to travel: Famous bookstore in Paris
luv to travel: Notre Dame
luv to travel: Center of Paris
luv to travel: Notre Dame
luv to travel: Joan of Arc Statue in Notre Dame