MapOfEurasia: "I’m collapsing in stellar clouds of gas"
MapOfEurasia: Optical Fibers Lamp
MapOfEurasia: "Can we hole up, and ride out this electrical storm?"
MapOfEurasia: Optical Fibers Lamp
MapOfEurasia: Bridge
MapOfEurasia: Sunset
MapOfEurasia: Sunset
MapOfEurasia: Sunset
MapOfEurasia: Reflex
MapOfEurasia: Butterfly
MapOfEurasia: Fiore di Melograno
MapOfEurasia: Hi! I'm Lillo and I take care of those goldfish..while I'm sleeping.. LoL
MapOfEurasia: Carenar 135mm F2.8 M42 - Bokeh Test
MapOfEurasia: Tammy Adaptall 35-80 F2.8-3.8 Bokeh Test