maplemusketeer: Mosaic Madness
maplemusketeer: Karsten - Bird to Groin. Round 3
maplemusketeer: Like a Bird on a Wire .. when the crazy starts
maplemusketeer: Realization slowly dawned on him as he gazed at what, only moments before, he'd assumed to be exquisite ice sculptures...
maplemusketeer: Sometimes you flee the storm, sometimes you fly...
maplemusketeer: As the sun fell they danced in his fading light..
maplemusketeer: Iced Inner Harbour!
maplemusketeer: In the end.. it all would start anew..
maplemusketeer: In a field by sunset he waited no more...
maplemusketeer: BC Provincial Legislature Snowy Stairs
maplemusketeer: Speakerhead
maplemusketeer: Sunflower City
maplemusketeer: So'd Rested He By The Tumtum Tree..
maplemusketeer: Looking West
maplemusketeer: From high atop his vantage the Captain mused upon the strange winds that had brought him to this new land..
maplemusketeer: At the hills crest..
maplemusketeer: Turning, descending, moving through and on and in.
maplemusketeer: The tree enjoyed the sun and used the reprieve to strengthen the roots' tenuous clutch among the rock and soil. Bright warm skies now would make way beneath tempestuous wind and waves soon enough...
maplemusketeer: Things that happen when you are up editing really really late
maplemusketeer: Adventurers on the edge of the world
maplemusketeer: Meanwhile.. in front of the X-Mansion
maplemusketeer: King Angus sat atop his woodland throne and pondered at the dampness of his royal heiny
maplemusketeer: Mystic Beach Falls to the sea..
maplemusketeer: Just After Karsten Commented on Not Getting Injured on This Trip.. and then slipped off the log. ;)
maplemusketeer: Somedays you look around and wonder if other's see what you see..
maplemusketeer: Everyday they waited to be noticed, and everyday the people just kept walking on by...
maplemusketeer: Looking over Nitnat
maplemusketeer: Sentry Duty - Wire Tapping
maplemusketeer: NaTron 3.0?
maplemusketeer: Saturday Night Tea and Settlers of Catan