m_junk_parris: One of my cheat sheets to help me keep up. Helped a lot with point summaries.
m_junk_parris: First day was quite cold in the morning
m_junk_parris: A little less cold Friday; Pleiades warming up.
m_junk_parris: This is how Ultiworld gets their full field camera shots
m_junk_parris: Cheers! What could be better than having a beer and watching high quality ultimate? SUNSHINE, that’s what.
m_junk_parris: I wondered Saturday morning why half of my hand was burned
m_junk_parris: Sunburn from tweeting and groupme
m_junk_parris: 7 on the line
m_junk_parris: The team has had a massage therapist at Nationals since 2015.
m_junk_parris: Jesse Kovacs, Drew Mouw and the awesome chair.
m_junk_parris: Look at this food spread the parents bring!!!
m_junk_parris: Pleiades warming up throws. This part feels just like 25+ years ago.
m_junk_parris: Someone else’s photo of Dawn’s incredible line toe
m_junk_parris: Celebrating both teams making the finals.
m_junk_parris: Spent a lot of my time at Nationals icing my quad tear from before Nationals.
m_junk_parris: Bridget doing the half time interview in the quarter against BCU
m_junk_parris: Trying to avoid more sunburn
m_junk_parris: Me and 2021 POTYs.
m_junk_parris: Trophies and medals
m_junk_parris: Pleiades celebrating in the trophy ceremony
m_junk_parris: Pleiades cheering on Darkside.
m_junk_parris: Pleiades championship trophy.
m_junk_parris: Coach Jessi with the medal - lots of Carolina Blue in it.
m_junk_parris: Me with JD Hastings! Fans were chanting 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 8 8
m_junk_parris: Me and Callahan winner, Dawn Culton!!! She is so nice.
m_junk_parris: Me and LSB, an incredibly great human being and ultimate player.
m_junk_parris: Pleiades waiting to get on the field after Darkside won
m_junk_parris: Sneaking into a shot with both teams
m_junk_parris: Pleiades coaches past and present celebrating number 2!!