manzanita-pct: White-lined Sphinx Moth (Hyles lineata)
manzanita-pct: White-lined Sphinx Moth (Hyles lineata)
manzanita-pct: White-winged Dove
manzanita-pct: Hooded Oriole, juvenile male
manzanita-pct: Cassin's Kingbird
manzanita-pct: Lark Sparrow
manzanita-pct: Orange-crowned Warbler
manzanita-pct: Ash-throated Flycatcher eating the seeds of the Elephant Tree
manzanita-pct: Bordered Mantis (Stagmomantis limbata)
manzanita-pct: Ash-throated Flycatcher
manzanita-pct: Yellow-rumped Warbler, male Audubon's
manzanita-pct: Gila Woodpecker, male
manzanita-pct: Gila Woodpecker, male singing
manzanita-pct: White-winged Dove in flight
manzanita-pct: House Finch, male in an elephant tree (Bursera sp.)
manzanita-pct: House Finch, female
manzanita-pct: Costa's Hummingbird
manzanita-pct: Costa's Hummingbird, male
manzanita-pct: Adams's Tree (Fouquieria diguetii)
manzanita-pct: Wooly Desert Lavender (Hyptis laniflora)
manzanita-pct: Scott's Oriole, immature male
manzanita-pct: Pyrrhuloxia, male eathing a seed
manzanita-pct: Gila Woodpecker pair
manzanita-pct: Gila Woodpecker, female
manzanita-pct: Gila Woodpecker, male closeup, on Cardon Cactus
manzanita-pct: Greater Roadrunner
manzanita-pct: Greater Roadrunner
manzanita-pct: Senita Cactus (Pachycereus schottii)
manzanita-pct: Verdin in flight
manzanita-pct: Black-headed Grosbeak, female