manzanita-pct: Striped Meadowhawk female dragonfly (Sympetrum pallipes)
manzanita-pct: Boreal toad (Bufo boreas boreas)
manzanita-pct: Paddle-tailed Darner Dragonfly (Aeshna palmata)
manzanita-pct: Is this a Willow Flycatcher ?
manzanita-pct: Dark-eyed Junco fledgling
manzanita-pct: Male Hairy Woodpecker
manzanita-pct: Male Spruce Grouse
manzanita-pct: Male Spruce Grouse
manzanita-pct: Male Spruce Grouse closeup
manzanita-pct: Female Spruce Grouse near Abernathy Pass
manzanita-pct: Spruce Grouse chick
manzanita-pct: Spotted Sandpiper, breeding
manzanita-pct: Sooty Grouse chick
manzanita-pct: Female Sooty Grouse dust bathing
manzanita-pct: Western Jumping Mouse in the rain (Zapus princeps)
manzanita-pct: Canoe on Lake Cushman
manzanita-pct: Wooden canoe on Lake Cushman
manzanita-pct: Satin Flower in white (Sisyrinchium douglasii)
manzanita-pct: Small-flowered Lupine (Lupinus micranthus)
manzanita-pct: Naked Broomrape (Orobanche uniflora)
manzanita-pct: Naked Broomrape (Orobanche uniflora) with a thrips
manzanita-pct: Persius Duskywing (Erynnis persius)
manzanita-pct: Woolly-pod Milkvetch (Astragalus purshii)
manzanita-pct: Rock Wren
manzanita-pct: Rusulla Mushroom (Russulla sp.)
manzanita-pct: Jelly Babies (Leotia lubrica)
manzanita-pct: Sulfur Tuft Mushrooms (Hypholoma fasciculare)
manzanita-pct: Fluted Black Elfin Saddle (Helvella lacunosa)
manzanita-pct: Toothed Jelly Fungus (Pseudohydnum gelatinosum)
manzanita-pct: Underside of a Toothed Jelly Fungus (Pseudohydnum gelatinosum)