manzanita-pct: John Day River
manzanita-pct: Cataraft on the John Day River
manzanita-pct: First camp, next morning
manzanita-pct: Grassy ridge near the John Day River
manzanita-pct: Colored hills on the John Day River
manzanita-pct: Painted Hills
manzanita-pct: Striped Whipsnake (Masticophis taeniatus)
manzanita-pct: Striped Whipsnake killing a small Nortern Pacific Rattlesnake
manzanita-pct: Northern Pacific Rattlesnake
manzanita-pct: Small Rattlesnake about to strike back at the Whipsnake
manzanita-pct: Size difference between Striped Whipsnake and young Northern Pacific Rattlesnake
manzanita-pct: Preparing to swallow rattler headfirst
manzanita-pct: Whipsnake flees with rattler
manzanita-pct: Face to face
manzanita-pct: Face to face
manzanita-pct: Second camp sunset
manzanita-pct: John Day River
manzanita-pct: Basalt Cliff
manzanita-pct: River rock
manzanita-pct: Rapid on the John Day River
manzanita-pct: Cliffs along the John Day River
manzanita-pct: Basalt columns on the John Day River
manzanita-pct: Basalt cliff from downriver
manzanita-pct: Basalt Cliff on the John Day River
manzanita-pct: John Day River, 2009, start of Clarno to Cottonwood
manzanita-pct: Northern Pacific Rattlesnake (Crotalus oreganus oreganus)
manzanita-pct: Northern Pacific Rattlesnake (Crotalus oreganus oreganus) circling a juniper
manzanita-pct: Basalt columns
manzanita-pct: Gordon's smaller cataraft
manzanita-pct: A tight passage