manyfires: susie
manyfires: boston fireworks
manyfires: bike protest in acadia
manyfires: nemo the satisfied
manyfires: are you going to eat that?
manyfires: up up and away
manyfires: for most of us, there is only the unattended moment
manyfires: and the dog jumped over the mountain
manyfires: taste of summer
manyfires: each thing implies the universe
manyfires: the girl and the fountain
manyfires: that shade of blue
manyfires: where water glows in shades of sunsets
manyfires: the flash, the breath and the shadow
manyfires: all the world's a very merry go-round
manyfires: what the world needs is people who have come alive
manyfires: one for the road: sunrise and the st. johns bridge
manyfires: evening wanes and the coast grows longer
manyfires: and in the fog we speak softly: not there but here, not then but now
manyfires: the elowah blues
manyfires: the engulfing maw of the sea
manyfires: and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
manyfires: so she boarded up the windows to her world
manyfires: panther creek falls by pinhole
manyfires: a lesson in immortality
manyfires: the pink hail of cherry blossom storms
manyfires: crescent lake blues (are anything but)
manyfires: serendipity at lake crescent
manyfires: the lure of the lake
manyfires: the glow of the tufa at day's end