Manυ: Stained glass at Christ church cathedral
Manυ: "How are you doing?" "Same as you, I guess"
Manυ: Irish bird on celtic cross
Manυ: Dublin bridge, twice!
Manυ: Trinity college courtyard
Manυ: Watch tower near Dungloe
Manυ: Glengesh pass
Manυ: Celtic cross, Glencolumbkille
Manυ: Hiding in the landscape
Manυ: Slieve League cliffs
Manυ: Anti-Napoleonic watch tower
Manυ: On the way to Slieve League
Manυ: View from McMurray castle
Manυ: This is no advertisement
Manυ: Sunset on Lough Erne
Manυ: Takeoff
Manυ: Don't be in a hurry, this might happen
Manυ: View on the cliffs of Arranmore
Manυ: Shadows on peat
Manυ: Bogged down, aren't you ?
Manυ: Takeoff runway
Manυ: Raismian scenery
Manυ: Ferry to Arranmore
Manυ: Near Arranmore island
Manυ: Mr McIlhenny's castle
Manυ: Lough Veigh
Manυ: Stairway to Fantastica
Manυ: Paparazzi at Doe Castle
Manυ: View through the ruins at horn head
Manυ: Highlander ruins