Mantua Michelle: Christopher Layton Newpaper Article
Mantua Michelle: Mary Miller Burton Headstone James Oriel Burton
Mantua Michelle: Devina Miller Simpson Headstone
Mantua Michelle: Harriett Ann Layton & Conrad Miller Headstone
Mantua Michelle: Devina Miller Simpson
Mantua Michelle: William Orion Simpson
Mantua Michelle: Nora Simpson with orignal vintage model T
Mantua Michelle: Herman Miller Obit
Mantua Michelle: Melvie Miller Manning Obituary
Mantua Michelle: Mary Miller Burton Obituary
Mantua Michelle: Oriel Burton Obit
Mantua Michelle: Old Grouping of Family photos about 1930
Mantua Michelle: West Ogden Bishopric Parley Lieshman, Bishop Gibson, Oriel Burton
Mantua Michelle: Burton Mary, Oriel, Alta and Nora Simpson
Mantua Michelle: Grandma Miller and Grandma Burton
Mantua Michelle: Burton 007
Mantua Michelle: Burton 006
Mantua Michelle: Burton 005
Mantua Michelle: Burton 002
Mantua Michelle: Nora Simpson
Mantua Michelle: Burton 003
Mantua Michelle: Burton 004
Mantua Michelle: Burton 001
Mantua Michelle: Burton Mary and Oriel with their cow
Mantua Michelle: BURTON04
Mantua Michelle: Harriett Layton Miller and Conrad Miller
Mantua Michelle: Florence and Fred Jones