manposanpo: Happy New Year/新年快樂/謹賀新年
manposanpo: A moment of stillness/寂靜時刻/静かなひと時
manposanpo: When the winter comes/當冬季來臨/冬の訪れ
manposanpo: Fallen leaves/落葉/落ち葉
manposanpo: Season's Greetings/聖誕快樂/メリークリスマス
manposanpo: Lighting up the Tsukuba City/點亮筑波/煌めくつくば
manposanpo: Dried leaf but still beautiful/光華不再,風韻猶存/枯れ葉の美
manposanpo: What's your name?/請問芳名?/お名前は?
manposanpo: Pelargonium /天竺葵屬/テンジクアオイ属(ゼラニウム)
manposanpo: Late Autumn/晚秋
manposanpo: Lighting up the Tsukuba City/點亮筑波/煌めくつくば
manposanpo: Autumn color/秋色
manposanpo: Lighting up the Tsukuba City/點亮筑波/煌めくつくば
manposanpo: Looking up the autumn colors/抬頭望秋色/秋色を見上げて
manposanpo: Poinsettia/聖誕紅/ポインセチア
manposanpo: The beautiful day to get started/美好一天的開始/美しい一日の始まり
manposanpo: Fallen leaves/落葉/落ち葉
manposanpo: Red leaves/楓紅了/やっと見頃
manposanpo: Autumn Rose/秋天的玫瑰/秋のバラ
manposanpo: Dahlia/大麗菊/ダリア
manposanpo: The raining day/下雨天/雨の日
manposanpo: Maple/楓葉/もみじ
manposanpo: Chrysanthemum/菊花/キク
manposanpo: Enjoy the day/幸福時光/幸せなひととき
manposanpo: Cyclamen persicum/仙客來/シクラメン
manposanpo: Ginkgo biloba/ 銀杏/イチョウ(銀杏、公孫樹)
manposanpo: Maple/楓葉/もみじ
manposanpo: Maple/楓葉/もみじ
manposanpo: Autumn Rose/秋天的玫瑰/秋のバラ
manposanpo: Ginkgo biloba/ 銀杏/イチョウ(銀杏、公孫樹)