MannyB yo!: Well it does look cool.
MannyB yo!: Seattle wannabe.
MannyB yo!: On Sands baby!
MannyB yo!: Arrived to Vegas.
MannyB yo!: Rumba en la piscina!
MannyB yo!: The Cause...
MannyB yo!: Hola Margie!
MannyB yo!: Mr. Craigster and le Margie...
MannyB yo!: Set messaging...
MannyB yo!: The Setting...
MannyB yo!: Ron1 Ron2 and... Hmmm... I forgot...
MannyB yo!: Margaret and the Ron
MannyB yo!: Effin' Patronishness!
MannyB yo!: Wierd blur in mid air is... yes Dan...
MannyB yo!: Fuckn' Patron times yo!
MannyB yo!: Almost there.....
MannyB yo!: Ron and Dan climb up to rooftop...
MannyB yo!: Dan Jumps in the water from rooftop pt 01...
MannyB yo!: In case of fire run down the stairs.
MannyB yo!: My saviour!
MannyB yo!: I'm now up... still dead set on not drinking today...
MannyB yo!: In bed.... semi dead... I'm not drinking today...
MannyB yo!: 10:30AM....or is it PM?
MannyB yo!: New T-Shirt aquisition.... Need I say more?
MannyB yo!: Drunken POV MGM Grand
MannyB yo!: This seemed quite amusing last night...
MannyB yo!: Slut... Err Slot machines abound...
MannyB yo!: Vegas Heat...
MannyB yo!: Adverts on Airplane trays... We've reached the end of our civilization!
MannyB yo!: Stylist chica.