mannyc pics: IMG_1052a
mannyc pics: IMG_2439 Little frog
mannyc pics: IMG_1196a Ladybird
mannyc pics: IMG_1189a Ladybird
mannyc pics: IMG_2468 caterpillar
mannyc pics: Comma butterfly
mannyc pics: Peacock butterfly
mannyc pics: Peacock butterfly
mannyc pics: Peacock butterfly
mannyc pics: Red Admiral butterfly
mannyc pics: Red Admiral butterfly feasting on a buddleia
mannyc pics: Red Admiral butterfly sunning itself
mannyc pics: IMG_1491 Scarce Swallowtail butterfly
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mannyc pics: IMG_1887 Dunnock
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mannyc pics: IMG_3595 great spotted woodpeckers feeding
mannyc pics: IMG_3608 greater spotter woodpecker parent and chick
mannyc pics: IMG_3610 greater spotted woodpecker chick sticking tongue out
mannyc pics: IMG_3637 fledged greater spotted woodpecker
mannyc pics: IMG_3559 fledged greater spotted woodpecker
mannyc pics: IMG_3572 fledged greater spotted woodpecker
mannyc pics: IMG_3575 greater spotted woodpeckers feeding
mannyc pics: Trio of woodpeckers IMG_4242
mannyc pics: Wren nest IMG_4330
mannyc pics: Nesting Wren IMG_4333
mannyc pics: Nesting Wren IMG_4340
mannyc pics: Nesting Wren IMG_4341
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mannyc pics: Albino squirrel IMG_20130723_134001