MannyAcosta: Hite Rite
MannyAcosta: knifes and locks
MannyAcosta: Glenda
MannyAcosta: Glenda
MannyAcosta: For the bag
MannyAcosta: She fixes her cleat
MannyAcosta: Hydration is key
MannyAcosta: Paul got them pedicabing legs
MannyAcosta: And we never saw Martin again
MannyAcosta: Paul is too cool for the sun
MannyAcosta: Bridgette works those glutes
MannyAcosta: Walk that bike
MannyAcosta: Tony fixes bike
MannyAcosta: Martin eats his banana
MannyAcosta: Paul hates his sticker
MannyAcosta: Angry orange
MannyAcosta: The boys go
MannyAcosta: Bridgette drops down
MannyAcosta: Butt shot
MannyAcosta: She waits
MannyAcosta: Lock the water
MannyAcosta: Martin is rad
MannyAcosta: Over the bridge with bridgette
MannyAcosta: Tony walks his custom bike
MannyAcosta: Shirtless