MannyAcosta: Tommy climbing down
MannyAcosta: Tommy crossing the Nesstucca River
MannyAcosta: Nesstucca River
MannyAcosta: Making our way across Nesstucca
MannyAcosta: Crossing
MannyAcosta: Tommy almost there
MannyAcosta: mike and his buddy
MannyAcosta: P7303247
MannyAcosta: surprise
MannyAcosta: Robert Panda
MannyAcosta: Rivendell on the coast
MannyAcosta: Tommy looking confused
MannyAcosta: Sunscreen
MannyAcosta: Pacific Coast route?
MannyAcosta: P7303268
MannyAcosta: Bern Touring bike.
MannyAcosta: Tommy on the coast
MannyAcosta: Walking Distance