Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: Seattle Central Library
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: Seattle Central Library
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: Seattle Central Library
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: Seattle Central Library
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: Seattle Central Library, view from highest point
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: Seattle Central Library
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: Seattle Central Library
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: Seattle Central Library
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: Seattle Central Library
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: Seattle Central Library, reference section
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: documents section, Seattle Central Library
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: elevator, Seattle Central Library
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: Seattle Central Library, reference section
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: Seattle Central Library, reference section
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: Seattle Central Library, reference section
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: Seattle Central Library, reference section
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: Seattle Central Library, reference section