Manitoba Museum of Finds Art:
Membership card
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art:
Membership card
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art:
Backwards Membership card
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art:
pad printed by Subtle & Company
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art:
glow-in-the-dark keychain
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art:
MMOFA matches
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art:
MMOFA sculpture
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art:
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art ceramic bowl 1974
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art:
permanent collection
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art:
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art permanent collection
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art:
Moosentennial, 1976
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art:
Mooseogram, 1977
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art:
Moosentennial, 1976
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art:
Moosentennial, 1976
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art:
Jon Peterson: A Few Partially Negentrophic Spaces
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art:
Moosentennial, 1976
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art:
exhibition of work in the permanent collection
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art:
set up for Birthday Party by Joanne Harruff
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art:
opening for Birthday Party by Joanne Harruff
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art:
opening for Birthday Party by Joanne Harruff
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art:
opening for Birthday Party by Joanne Harruff
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art:
Art Grant Moose
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art:
shelf of items in the permanent collection
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art:
shelf of items in the permanent collection
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art:
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art:
1996 Manitoba Museum of Finds Art
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art:
1996 Manitoba Museum of Finds Art
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art:
1996 Manitoba Museum of Finds Art
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art:
Some Other Museums (MMOFA)
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art:
1996 Manitoba Museum of Finds Art