Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: Mt. Wilson Trail, Sierra Madre
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: Mt. Wilson Trail, Sierra Madre
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: Mt. Wilson Trail, Sierra Madre
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: Decker Spring, Mt. Wilson Trail, 30 Oct 2005
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: Red larkspur on the Mt. Wilson Trail
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: hillside, Mt. Wilson Trail
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: Mariposa lily in bloom on the Mt. Wilson Trail
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: fog as seen from the Mt. Wilson Trail
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: mariposa lilies in bloom
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: fog as seen from the Mt. Wilson Trail
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: Mt. Wilson Trail, 15 June 2008
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: Mt. Wilson Trail, 15 June 2008
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: Mt. Wilson Trail, 15 June 2008
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: 6:58 am Santa Anita Racetrack in the distance
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: five months after the fire
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: five months after the fire
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: Santa Anita Racetrack as seen from the Mt. Wilson Trail
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: lupines, a few weeks short of the first year anniversary of the Sierra Madre fire
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: a few weeks short of the first year anniversary of the Sierra Madre fire
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: wildflowers, a few weeks short of the first year anniversary of the Sierra Madre fire
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: a few weeks short of the first year anniversary of the Sierra Madre fire
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: a few weeks short of the first year anniversary of the Sierra Madre fire
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: a few weeks short of the first year anniversary of the Sierra Madre fire
Manitoba Museum of Finds Art: caterpillar, Mt. Wilson Trail